Department of Commerce, Trade, Industry and Economic Development

Department of Commerce, Trade, Industry and Economic Development


Headed by Secretary Alex Kerangpuna under the ministerial leadership of Honorable PATRICK NISIRA and Member for Halia Constituency, ABG Minister for Commerce, Trade, Industry and Economic Development. Its mandate is focused on Commerce and Trade, Economic Development, Small Business Enterprises, Micro-finance, Tourism and Shipping Services.


Bougainville is open for business! The Bougainville Inward Investment (Amendment) Act 2018 establishes an Inward Investment Board, and a framework for screening, approving and monitoring investment by external investors into Bougainville. It is an integral component of Bougainville’s broader economic and social development strategy, and has been designed to contribute to the following:

• Responsible inward investment into Bougainville

• An accountable government sector; and

• A vibrant and productive private sector.


Information and forms:

  1. Information fact sheet: Investing in Bougainville and the Bougainville Inward Investment Board. Click here to download.
  2. Poster: Investing in Bougainville - the application and decision-making process 
  3. Application form A (non-compulsory) - register your intention to apply for an inward investment licence. Click here to download. 
  4. Application form B (compulsory) - apply for an inward investment license. 
  5. Bougainville Inward Investment Guidelines 2018 



ABG Constituency Economic Investment Program 2022

The Autonomous Bougainville Government through the Department of Commerce, Trade and Economic Development is rolling out the 2022 Constituency Economic Investment program.

The Constituency Economic Investment program is part of ABG’s Economic Independence readiness plan. A total of K8million has been allocated for this program and will benefit the 33 constituencies in Bougainville.

It supports the Government’s efforts on closing the fiscal gap whilst improving the welfare of Bougainvilleans and provides the opportunity to support our people improve their ability to raise their own internal revenue and practice self-reliance through their business ventures.

Constituents can download the Constituency Economic Investment Program Application Form and Guidelines below:


Constituency Economic Investment Program Application Form

Constituency Economic Investment Program Guidelines 



Bougainville welcomes foreign investment from key nations 

Five Indigenous Bougainville Entrepreneurs shine at the 2023 World Indigenous Business Forum 

Trade Awareness Workshop underway in Buka 

Bougainville sends first ten participants to Australia under Labor Mobility Program