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Bougainvilleans in Port Moresby commemorate Foundation Day with BCPC consultations

Bougainvilleans in Port Moresby celebrated the Bougainville Foundation Day through their participation and contribution in the second phase of consultations with the Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission (BCPC).

This consultation is part of the BCPC’s nationwide consultations with Bougainvilleans living across mainland PNG.

Vice President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) and the Alternate Chairman of BCPC Hon. Patrick Nisira was present at the event amongst the commissioners to officially open the consultation.

In his opening remarks, he thanked the Bougainvilleans for attending the consultation and urged them not to forget the dream that Bougainville fought for as they were the only ones that would understand the Bougainville story.

“Bougainvilleans you alone know our story and understand our journey – the Government of PNG, other provinces in PNG and donor partners do not understand our story and so let us all contribute to creating this constitution for our future nation to be,” he said.

He reiterated that the BCPC had been established following the referendum vote in which Bougainvilleans within Bougainville, across mainland PNG and abroad voted 97.7 percent for independence and they all have a responsibility to fulfill by contributing to the constitution for an independent nation to be.

“Every Bougainvillean voted freely for independence, a decision each Bougainvillean chose and what does that mean to us? You do not have to run from your responsibility, we all have a responsibility and that is to contribute to this constitution,” he said. 

BCPC since its establishment, had consulted with Bougainvilleans within Bougainville and across mainland PNG, collecting their views and compiling data which was later debated over six consecutive meetings resulting a final first draft that was produced in May this year.

This consultation meeting which began in Port Moresby yesterday is to inform Bougainvilleans of the first draft, validate public views and collect additional views.

Those present at the consultation today acknowledged the work of the Commission in producing the first draft and further called on the BCPC to include creating an education curriculum that should capture Bougainville’s history, creation of a National Intelligence Organisation (NIO) for Bougainville for security purposes, inclusion of national service in which it is compulsory for every child after year 12 education to attend military training and serve two years before choosing other careers, provision of treaties, amongst others.

Consultations in Port Moresby will continue today at the Pacific Adventist University and a final consultation will be on Monday 17th June at the UPNG Drill Hall.

Bougainvilleans in Port Moresby are urged to visit these locations to give your views.

Meanwhile, BCPC Consultations in Lae will be starting today Sunday 16th at the Unitech Auditorium, Monday 17th to Tuesday 18th June will be at the Special Education Centre and Wednesday 19th June will be at the Institute of Forestry.

Consultations in other centres of PNG and within Bougainville will be starting soon. Those unable to attend can access a copy of the first draft of the Constitution on the ABG website and send your views through a submission to

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