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Chief Compliance Officer sworn in for Bougainville Agriculture Commodities Regulatory Authority

In a significant step towards enhancing the agricultural sector in Bougainville, the Bougainville Agriculture Commodities Regulatory Authority (BACRA) welcomed its new Chief Compliance Officer in a swearing-in ceremony held today.

Dr James Butubu, the newly appointed Chief Compliance Officer, outlined his vision for the future of BACRA stating, “I am honored to be here taking these responsibilities for our progress in terms of growth in the industry for our commodities especially for cocoa and copra and others that will soon come up.”

He also mentioned the upcoming swearing-in of the Advisory Council, which will play a crucial role in guiding BACRA's initiatives.

ABG Secretary for Primary Industries Kenneth Dovaro expressed his confidence in Dr Butubu’s ability and experience to propel BACRA to new heights.   

"I am very confident that this government has made the right choice in appointing a person of his caliber. He will move BACRA beyond our expectations with the immense experience he has gained in the research and development space."

ABG Acting Chief Secretary Kearnneth Nanei shared similar sentiments and reiterated the Bougainville Administration’s support to ensure BACRA is established as a robust authority in managing Bougainville’s commodities industry.

“I assure you the support of the whole Administration,” he said.

This appointment marks a significant moment for BACRA, as it sets out to build and strengthen its regulatory framework and promote the growth and extension of Bougainville's agricultural commodities industry.

The role of the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) is critical in enforcing the Bougainville Agriculture Commodities Regulatory Authority Act 2020 and its related regulations, including a comprehensive compliance program that addresses areas such as export regulations, trade restrictions and quality standards.

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