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Statement from the ABG Attorney General

ABG Minister and Attorney General Calls out the Absurdity of the Assertion made by National Minister in Parliament that the Referendum results is not binding

“This is absolutely not true” says Mr. Masatt, who is Attorney General and Minister for Independence Mission Implementation for the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

“Let me state quite categorically from the outset that there is nowhere in the BPA that you find the word “non-binding” in it.

“There is also nowhere in section 342 or Part XIV of the Constitution that anyone can find the word “non-binding” in it. And I challenge anyone who wants the truth to pick up the BPA and Section 342 and read it," said Mr. Masatt.

You will find nothing! Absolutely nothing about non-binding” said Mr. Masatt.

“Secondly let me pose these queries about these key issue as they are fundamental agreements in the BPA.

  1. Would Bougainvilleans have agreed to a non-binding weapons disposal package if they knew that the referendum results is non-binding?
  2. Would Bougainvilleans have allowed the UN to verify the handing in of the last weapon if they knew that the referendum result is non-binding?
  3. Would Bougainvilleans have allowed the autonomy package if they knew that the referendum results is non-binding?
  4. Would the immunity from prosecution package – freeing all combatants and security forces members – been possible if the results is non-binding?
  5. Would Bougainvilleans have accepted the role of the National Parliament in the process if they knew that the results is non-binding?
  6. Would the BPA have been negotiated at all if the results is non-binding?
  7. Finally, why have a referendum at all, if the results are non-binding?"

“It is total baloney! – to say the least to suggest that the Constitution and the BPA have mandated the referendum results to be non-binding," Mr. Masatt said.

"Would the decision of Parliament be non-binding? It is a total mischaracterization of the process at this stage when both governments are trying to reach agreement on the sessional orders to say that the Constitution has already deemed the results non-binding," said Mr. Masatt.

"People are just trying to paint the picture that the Parliament has a veto power when it does not. What if, as I pointed earlier, we were to say that the Parliament decision would be non-binding?” queried Mr Masatt.

" The peace process will fall like a deck of cards."

“We know where this narrative is coming from” – it is coming from the enemy of peace who does not want to see Bougainville and Papua New Guinea co-exist as two independent nations," said Mr. Masatt.

"I therefore appeal to the National Government to be more sensitive to the process and let the conscience of the National Parliament be determined by the nature of our issue, the historical seriousness of the agenda and the enormous challenge we face and move on to the next phase."


Hon. Ezekiel Masatt MHR 
ABG Attorney General & Minister for Independence Mission Implementation

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